Legal Notice
In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the identifying data of the company are detailed below:
Owner: Andrés Cebrián Gualda (hereinafter, “Smile Vintage”)
Address: Calle Molineros, 63B, 02520, Chinchilla de Monte-Aragón, Albacete – Spain
VAT Number: 47091612D
The simple use of the Website by an individual or legal entity grants the condition of Website User, and implies the total, full and unreserved acceptance of each and every clause and general term set forth in this Legal Notice If the User does not agree with the clauses and terms of use stipulated in this Legal Notice, they must refrain from using the Web Page. All conditions will be applied independently of Selling Terms and Conditions in which case would be necessary to obey by both parts when a purchase is made.
Web use
Smile Vintage, through his webpage, gives access to information, services and data (hereinafter, “the content”) which is property of Smile Vintage and the User has access.
The User is obliged and undertakes to use the Website and Web Contents in accordance with the current legislation, the Legal Notice, and any other notice or instructions brought to their knowledge, either through this legal notice or in any other place within the Contents that constitute the Website, as well as rules governing coexistence, and generally accepted moral standards and good practice.
For this purpose, the User is obliged and undertakes NOT to use any of the Web Contents for purposes or reasons that are illegal, forbidden by the Legal Notice or current legislation, damaging to third-party rights and interests, or that may anyway damage, disable, overload, deteriorate, or impede the normal use of the Contents, IT equipment, or documents, files, and any type of content stored on any IT systems owned or hired by Smile Vintage, other Users, or any internet user (hardware and software).
The User is obliged and undertakes not to transmit, broadcast, or make available to third parties, any type of content available on the Website, including, but not limited to, information, text, data, content, messages, charts, drawings, audio and/or visual files, photographs, recordings, software, logos, brands, icons, technology, software, links, graphic design and source code, or any other material to which the Website User has access.
Likewise, in accordance with the foregoing, the User must not:
- Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available, communicate publicly in any way, transform, or modify the Contents, unless they have the express written consent of Smile Vintage, which is the owner of the corresponding rights, or if it is permitted by law.
- Delete, manipulate, or alter in any way the “copyright” or other identifying data of the reservation of rights of Smile Vintage or its owners, of the digital fingerprints and/or identifiers, or any other technical means established for recognition purposes.
The User must not obtain or try to obtain the Contents by using means or procedures that are different, according to each case, to those that have been made available for this purpose, or indicated for this purpose on the Website where the Content is located, or, in general, those normally used on the Internet for this purpose, as long as they do not pose a risk of damaging or disabling the Website and/or Web Content.
Smile Vintage does not guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors when accessing the Website or its Contents, or that the contents will be updated. However, it will make its best efforts to prevent, rectify or update any issues, where applicable. As a result, Smile Vintage does not assume any liability for damages of any kind incurred by the User resulting from failures or outages of telecommunication networks which may result in the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the Website service during or prior to the service provision.
Smile Vintage disclaims, with the exceptions stipulated in the current legislation, any liability for damages of any kind which may result from the lack of availability, continuity or malfunctioning of the Website and its Content, or due to failing to fulfil the expectations of usefulness which the users may have attributed to the Website and its Content.
Access to the Web Page does not imply any obligation on the part of Smile Vintage to control the absence of viruses, worms, or any other harmful computer elements. In any case, the User is responsible for possessing the appropriate tools to detect and remove any harmful computer programs. Therefore, Smile Vintage does not assume any responsibility for any possible security errors that may arise during the provision of the Website service, or of the possible damages that may be caused to the user’s computer system due to the presence of a virus on the user’s computer used to connect to the services and content of the Website, or of the malfunctioning of a web browser, or of the use of outdated versions of a web browser.
Personal Data Protection
Smile Vintage is aware of the importance of the privacy of personal information and, therefore, has adopted a Privacy and Personal Data Processing Policy aimed at providing the maximum security for the use and collection of data, ensuring compliance with the current relevant regulations, and establishing this policy as one of the fundamental pillars of the company’s lines of action. For more info, check our Privacy Policy.
Intellectual Property and Copyright
All trademarks, trade names, or logos of any kind that appear on the Web Page are the property of their respective owners, or, where appropriate, of authorised third parties, and the use of or access to the Website and/or the Contents do not grant the User any rights to the aforementioned trademarks, trade names, or logos, and, similarly, the User may not be granted any rights exploitation rights that exist or may exist to these Contents.
The unauthorised use of the information contained on this Website, as well as damage to the Intellectual Property or Industrial rights of Smile Vintage or of the third parties that have provided content to the Website, will result in the liabilities established by law.
Smile Vintage is not responsible for the contents of the linked pages, or for the functioning or usefulness of the Hyperlinks, or for the result of the Hyperlinks. Nor does it guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements that could cause alterations to the user’s computer system (hardware and software), documents, or files, and disclaims any responsibility for the damages of any kind caused to the user for this reason.
Anyone who intends to establish a hyperlink between their Website and the Website of Smile Vintage must observe and comply with the following conditions:
- Prior authorisation is not necessary when the Hyperlink only enables access to the home page. However, it may not reproduce the home page in any way. Any other type of Hyperlink will require the express and unequivocal written authorisation of Smile Vintage.
- Frames must not be made with the Website or about the Website of Smile Vintage.
- False, inaccurate, or offensive declarations or indications must not be made about Smile Vintage, including its management, employees, collaborators, or any of the people who use the Website for any reason, or of the Website Users or Web Content.
- It is forbidden to declare or imply that Smile Vintage has authorised the Hyperlink or supervised or accepted in any way the Contents offered or made available on the external web page via the Hyperlink.
- The web page on which the Hyperlink is established may only contain information that is strictly necessary to identify the destination of the Hyperlink.
- The web page on which the Hyperlink is established may not contain any information or content that is or contrary to morals and generally accepted ethical conduct and public order, nor shall it contain any content contrary to any third-party rights.
Right of Exclusion
Smile Vintage reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the portal and/or the services offered without prior notice, at its own request or by a third party, to those users/clients who fail to comply with this Legal Notice.
For any questions that may arise about the interpretation, application, or compliance with this Legal Notice, as well as any claims that may arise due to its use, all the intervening parties undertake to appear before the Courts and Tribunals of Andorra la Vella, waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.
This Legal Notice is governed by law of Spain