How many times have we heard that there is no such thing as a traditional meal, that our grandmothers’ recipes are really the tastiest, the ones with the most flavour? We know and we are aware that this is true.
Although there are also some dishes that are very good in modern cuisine, what is clear is that traditional recipes are in fashion. And if not, just tell that to the prestigious chef Dani García, who when he was awarded the third Michelin star for his restaurant Dani García, in the Hotel Puente Romano in Marbella, decided to close it down and go back to the classic recipes.
So we join Dani García’s proposal and we are going to propose several classic recipes, vintage recipes, which always work.

Table of Contents
We owe the recipe for sirloin Wellington to Arthur Wellesley, who after his victory at the Battle of Toulouse was appointed by the King, First Duke of Wellington and General-in-Chief of the Allied armies, achieving victory over Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo.
While in France as ambassador to the court of Louis XVIII, he learned first-hand the virtues of French food, where the ‘Wellington steak’ was born. It was a piece of beef surrounded by puff pastry. He liked it so much that he ordered it to be served on several occasions at the feasts he organised. From there it became known as ‘sirloin Wellington’.
And what is the recipe for sirloin Wellington, don’t worry because it’s very easy:
- 1 kilo of beef sirloin (approx.)
- 1 spring onion
- 1 glass of brandy
Mustard - 500 g. of mushrooms
- 200 g. Serrano ham
- 100 g. of pâté
- 1 sheet of puff pastry
- 1 egg
- Salt and black pepper
The first thing you have to do is clean the sirloin thoroughly. Once you have cleaned the piece, pour extra virgin olive oil (although if you want to give it a more original and French touch, you can substitute the EVOO for butter) in a casserole or frying pan that will hold the whole piece. Seal the sirloin well all over. When it is ready, set aside on a plate and use the oil and the juices it has released. Add the diced onions and wait for them to cook. After about five minutes, add the mushrooms and sauté them together with the onions and brandy. Allow all the flavours to blend and the alcohol to evaporate.
Once cooked, transfer everything to a blender and blend into a creamy paste. If you like, you can also add a little cream to make it creamier.
Spread the slices of ham side by side on a baking sheet and spread the mustard and the sauce you have just made on top. Then spread the sirloin with the pâté, season it with salt and pepper and place it on top of the ham. Roll it up and store it in the refrigerator. The longer it is refrigerated, the better. Try to let it rest for at least one hour.
Then take it out of the fridge, remove the paper and place it on the puff pastry. Roll it up and close it, so that none of the meat is left in the air. Paint it with the egg and put it in the oven, previously heated. Bake for about 30 minutes at 190 degrees, until the puff pastry is golden brown, and then leave to rest for a few minutes.
Ready to enjoy our sirloin Wellington.
One of the great classic desserts is apple pie. Although it is closely linked to American cuisine, we can actually link apple pie to England, as its recipe appears in the book The Forme of Cury, written in the 14th century by cooks at the court of Richard II. So, if you think about it, this would be a vintage recipe in every sense of the word.
To make it you will need:
- 1 kg of apples.
- 1 lemon
- 2 eggs
- 4 spoonfuls of cornflour and 4 spoonfuls of pastry flour.
- 8 spoonfuls of sugar
- 1 glass of milk.
- 1 sachet of yeast
- Peach jam
- Butter.

The first thing you need to do is to get a round cake tin, spread butter on it to prevent the cake from sticking when you put it in the oven.
While you heat the oven, peel the apples and cut them into small pieces. Set one aside to decorate the outside. Leave them in a bowl with water and a squeeze of lemon juice to prevent them from oxidising.
Mix the milk, eggs and sugar in a bowl. The final result must have all the ingredients well integrated, especially the sugar. Gradually sieve and add both the flour and the cornflour. Integrate everything and add the yeast. Make sure that everything looks like a cream without lumps.
When the oven is ready, pour the batter into the bowl and put it in the oven at 200 degrees. You have to be patient and see that it is done. The best trick is to stick a knife in and check that there are no leftovers.
When it is done, take it out of the oven, leave it to rest a little while you cut a few slices of the apple that we have set aside. Cover the top with the peach jam and the apples. Give it a hit of the grill and it’s ready.

The stew is a vintage recipe that always triumphs. Especially now, with the arrival of winter, it is appreciated more than ever. A recipe for which you don’t need a lot of ingredients, as they are all within reach. What’s more, the best thing about it is that it is extremely economical. Take note:
- 1 generous handful of chickpeas per person.
- Soup noodles, 1 handful per person.
- Vegetables: 1 leek, 1 turnip, 2 carrots, 1 potato per person, 1 medium cabbage and 2-3 cloves of garlic.
- 1/2 Kg of veal shank.
- 1/4 kg of pork ribs.
- 200 g of white bacon or pork fat.
- 1/4 chicken and 1/2 chicken breast.
- 150 g of ham and 1 piece of bone.
- 2 chorizo sausages and 2 black puddings.
- Salt.
It is important that the chickpeas are of good quality and, if possible, of the year. They should be left to soak in a bowl of water for at least 12 hours. When you are going to use them, remove the water and then use new water for the preparation.
To cook, the first thing you are going to make is the stock. Put the washed, peeled and chopped carrot, turnip and leek in a pressure cooker and add the water to boil. Some people prefer to add the cabbage and others prefer to sauté it with the sliced garlic and serve it separately. This is a matter of taste, so if you prefer, you can add it at this point.
Add the meat as well, except for the chorizo. When adding the chickpeas, it is advisable to use the mesh screens used in the kitchen, to prevent them from mixing with the bones during cooking. Season everything.
In a separate pan, boil the chorizo and black pudding. In this way, what you will achieve is to degrease it a little without damaging the stew.
When the carrots are cooked, set them aside and add the potatoes.
Close everything and wait about 15 minutes. When you see that the chickpeas are ready, separate all the ingredients and strain the broth so that it is clean. Then use it to add the noodles, cook them for two or three minutes and your soup is ready.
It’s time to serve the broth on one side, the chickpeas on the other, a third plate with the meat and a fourth with the vegetables. Enjoy our classic recipe!
There are many cheesecake recipes. Some of them don’t even need to be baked in the oven. However, we are going to suggest one of the most traditional and one of the ones that works best.
The recipe for La Viña cheesecake, the one they serve at the famous La Viña restaurant in San Sebastián, which has spread to all corners of the world. A guaranteed success and a culinary must.
- 600 g cream cheese.
- 180 g white sugar.
- 4 eggs.
- 300 ml of whipping cream with at least 35% fat.
- 1 tablespoon flour.
- 1 pinch of salt.

For this recipe you will need a circular cake tin of about 20 centimetres in diameter. When you are going to prepare the cake, have the ingredients tempered and preheat the oven to about 200 degrees with heat up and down.
Cover the baking tin with wet baking paper, but without water, so that it is damp and easy to handle. Once papered, set aside.
Put the sugar and cream cheese in a bowl. If you have a food processor with a whisk it will be much easier. If not, you will have to do it by hand. Add the eggs one by one and beat them little by little, add the sifted flour and the salt. Make sure everything is uniform. Now add the cream and whip everything.
When everything is ready, put it in the mould and bake it in the oven. It will be ready in about 40 minutes.
Once cold, some people like to serve it with jam on top. This is optional.

Because not everything in life is about eating. In our vintage recipe book we are also going to propose the recipe for one of the most classic cocktails: the Bloody Mary. We owe this drink, which was very fashionable in the 1920s, to the barman Fernand Petiot, and to enjoy it you will need:
- Tomato juice.
- Vodka.
- Perrins sauce.
- Tabasco sauce.
- Black pepper.
- Lemon juice.
- Green celery stalk.
- Ice cubes.
The original recipe consisted of mixing equal parts tomato juice and vodka, but soon after it was customised until the magic recipe that we propose. Be careful with the quantities because too much spice, Perrins sauce or lemon juice can ruin the cocktail.
In a mixing glass, put a small splash of Perrins sauce, to which you must add two or three drops of Tabasco, no more, it must be present, but not the main ingredient. With the pepper, two turns of the grinder will be enough.
Add the juice of half a lemon and the ice. Shake until cold.
Add the vodka and tomato juice. The proportions: one third vodka to three tomato juice.
Serve in a tall glass, add salt, celery and that’s it. Enjoy the glamour of this classic cocktail that will always be in fashion.