Why do we like vintage fashion?

success fashion vintage

Among the most fascinating fashion delights with which many fashionistas satisfy their appetite for elegance and uniqueness of the 70s, 80s and 90s, vintage style belongs. We are talking about a strong link with the past that infuses our minds with stability and love towards strong and flourishing past times that have marked our history and our way of being.

Vintage fashion undoubtedly reflects times and periods, perhaps a bit abandoned by industrialized conformism and standardized by masses of people without expressiveness and without personality. In this way, an intense connection is created between the need to express ourselves freely and the strong attachment to the past that formed us.

We could speak, therefore, of a sentimental question towards the past. In fact, the attachment to a precise decade of the last century, can mean a memory of one’s own childhood or perhaps of famous people that we respect or appreciate for their art, music or ideologies. Not to mention that the manufacturing and quality of the time was more refined and precise.

In this article, hand in hand with our fashion specialists, we want to delve into why vintage fashion is so popular.

We tell you why we like Vintage fashion

First of all, the term vintage derives from Old French, derived in turn from the Latin vendenge, which means harvest. Over time, it became associated with crianza wines, the most prestigious and tasty. Currently, the language of fashion has taken this term to indicate all those accessories and garments, coming from or inspired by a distant past, such as watches, necklaces, bags, shoes…

Vintage fashion undoubtedly increases personality because it brings a lot of originality to the outfit, enhancing the character of the person who wears the accessory or garment. However, there are other compelling reasons why we like to look as much as in certain decades of the last century.

No one will wear the same dress as me

The embarrassment of finding yourself at a party or work meeting with a friend or colleague wearing a dress, blouse or bag identical to ours represents the possible price to pay for our easy and daily access to low cost fashion from the big chains.

Every woman knows what the probability is that another guest at an event will show up in a dress identical to hers, bought in one of the usual stores in the center of the city.

The love of vintage clothing, on the other hand, seems to satisfy the desire for uniqueness in an impeccable way. And it is that our vintage style accessory will not only be unique, rare and precious, but it will make us feel like part of a tacit, inimitable and special elite.

Vintage market

Holding on to a solid past

Another internal motivation could manifest itself as a result of an intense crisis to be faced, such as a personal crisis in which one’s own identity is dangerously reeling. So, when wearing vintage garments, the need to look for new social, cultural or generational ways of making a difference and paying tribute to past fashions could arise.

Holding on to a strong passion for everything that belongs to the past, such as collecting objects and clothes from historical periods, represents the unconscious effort to maintain a solid contact with a lost world.

A purely sentimental matter

The great fondness for vintage clothes, as we mentioned, could be translated as a purely sentimental matter that, through the “mask” of fashion and the passion for style, tries to anchor it in our psyche.

Sometimes, an intense link with a historical decade and the inclination to express it, through the body and the wardrobe, can show our deep love for maintaining a style, be it from our own childhood or from a special “muse“, such as a long-deceased mother, grandmother or aunt.

The link between one’s own vintage wardrobe and a certain historical decade of fashion could represent an attempt to recover a past of warm childhood security. That is, a time of great stability and unbreakable serenity in which a loved one took care of us, before the outbreak of adult life.

Retro, eco-sustainability and recovery

Many consumers choose to buy vintage clothing or accessories also for reasons related to eco-sustainability, sustainable fashion. In fact, it can mean buying a used product, obviously in good condition, which you can give a second life to.

For this reason, fashion manufacturers must pay attention not only to style, but also to fabrics. Fully eco-sustainable options such as cotton, wool, hemp or linen, can be a winning alternative if combined with a style that pays homage to the past.

90s style
Vintage style of the 90s

Another opportunity for manufacturers could even be to recover vintage garments and accessories in the company, rearrange them and customize them, in order to offer truly unique and unattainable pieces to the market. This would benefit both companies and fashion lovers for the following reasons:

  • The recovery and customization of vintage garments can be an excellent opportunity for fashion producers to increase sales.
  • Consumers, on the other hand, would not only have original clothes for a purely temporary matter, but they would also be unique clothes from the point of view of style, because they have been modified and adapted by high-end manufacturers.

Vintage fashion, in short, stands as a new business opportunity in a world where things change faster and faster, but where the possibility of reappropriating the past and its values ​​is still alive, also through clothing.


Our great love for fashion and the style of the past could hide numerous secrets, hidden in our minds and hearts, on which to reflect delicately and carefully to discover some still unexplored sides of our personality.

We can say, however, that vintage fashion is a more than contemporary opportunity to rediscover new horizons in the field of fashion. Wearing a vintage garment also highlights our personality more, giving us the possibility of choosing something totally original

Producers that offer retro garments, in fact, can go further, allowing the personalization of clothing or accessories by directly interacting with consumers.

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